how to treat shin splints with massage gun

How to Treat Shin Splints With a Massage Gun?

Shin splints, also called medial tibial stress syndrome, is a painful condition that affects the front and inside of your lower leg. It usually develops from overuse of your legs and can be especially common among runners, hockey players, soccer players, and Crossfit athletes. You can get shin splints when you repeatedly lift your knees up without giving your legs enough time to recover in between workouts. These small pains will gradually get worse until they become unbearable.

The discomfort usually occurs on the inside of the affected leg just above or below the kneecap. The pain will increase when you take a step forward or backward, or if you also put pressure on that side by leaning against a desk, for example until you feel like screaming from it!

When the muscles in your legs are tight, you may be more likely to develop shin splints. If you already have shin splints, a massage gun can help ease your pain and discomfort.

In most cases, these pains go away after cooling down and resting for a few days – but in some cases, they don’t. Let’s take a look at some ways to relieve those pains with a massage gun.


Does a Massage Gun Work for Shin Splints?

Yes, it certainly does! A massage gun is a handheld tool that uses a vibrating massage ball to trigger a healing response in your muscles. The vibrations help relax and loosen the muscles and aid in the flow of blood and lymph. A massage gun is a great way to help ease pain from shin splints and is also effective for other areas like your calves, feet, and ankles.

A handheld massage gun appears to be an inexpensive and easy-to-use solution to treating shin splints. You can buy one online for a couple of dollars and use it at home. You may find that it's a helpful addition to your existing treatment plan or even a good way to start treating your shin splints if you haven't already seen a doctor.

The handheld massage gun uses a rotating pad that's covered in plastic spikes to provide both compression and vibration. Compression and vibration therapies have been shown to have a positive effect on healing and pain relief, so a massage gun can potentially help with both of those issues.

But before you go and buy one of these, there are a few things you should know about them. The rotating pad of a massage gun can be painful and even dangerous if you press it against your shin too hard. You should treat the massage gun as a gentle tool and use it lightly against the skin.

When you have shin splints, your muscles become very tight and sore. A massage gun can help relax the muscles in your legs and give you some relief. It can also help break up the adhesions in the muscles that are probably causing the shin splints.

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How to Treat Shin Splints With a Massage Gun?

While the massage gun might be useful for mild cases of shin splints, the best way to treat them is to rest your legs, use ice and heat on the affected area and stretch your calves when your shin splints are at their worst. When your shin splints start to hurt, use a massage gun on the front and inside of your shin for about five minutes. Repeat this a couple of times daily.

You can also use a muscle roller to help relieve stress and tension, and massage gels to soothe and calm your muscles. When you have shin splints, you need to take a break from the activities that make them hurt. Resting your legs will give them a chance to heal, and you can slowly start to work out again when the pain goes away. You can also use ice packs on the affected muscles two or three times a day to reduce inflammation and help your muscles recover faster.

Step 1 - Find Your Shin Splint Trigger Points - The first step toward treating shin splints is finding your trigger points. A trigger point is an area of muscle that hurts when pressed. It’s common for people with shin splints to have trigger points in their soleus muscles.

To find your trigger points, use your massage gun to press down on the muscles of your lower legs in various places. Pressing on your muscles may hurt a little, but you should only feel a painful sensation when you press on a trigger point. If you feel a sharp pain when you press on your muscles, you may have a knot in your muscles.

When you find a trigger point, you should keep pressing on it for about 60 seconds to see if the pain will subside. If the trigger point does not subside after a few minutes of massage, you should repeat the process for the next trigger point.

Step 2 - Stretch Your Calf Muscles - You should stretch the muscles in your calves before and after exercising to reduce your risk of getting shin splints. You can do some simple calf stretches while sitting in a chair.

First, move your toes towards your shins as far as possible and hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat this stretch five times. Next, try another stretch while sitting in a chair by bending your knee and pressing your foot against your opposite knee. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat it at least five times.

These simple exercises can help improve blood flow to your legs and make you less likely to develop shin splints.

Step 3 - Try Heat and Ice - You can use heat after exercising or applying a massage gun to help break up the adhesions in muscles. You can also use it to increase blood flow in the muscles and reduce pain.

Ice, on the other hand, can help reduce inflammation and swelling. You should apply ice to your shins for 15 minutes two or three times a day. This will help ease pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Step 4 - Stretching Exercises Before and After Exercising - You can also do some stretching exercises before and after exercising to prevent shin splints. First, stretch the muscles in your calves by standing straight with one foot about two feet behind the other. Next, try bending your knees, bringing your heels towards you as far as possible, and then straightening your legs again. Repeat this exercise five times.

You can also do some stretching exercises on your feet and ankles to prevent shin splints. You can do this while you’re sitting down. First, cross your left foot over your right foot and then point your toes as far as possible on both feet. Repeat these exercises five times on each foot.

These exercises will help you stay mobile and flexible and prevent shin splints.

Step 5 - Stretch Your Calf Muscles - You should stretch your calves every day to avoid getting shin splints. You can do this by standing with your legs about a foot apart. Next, slowly lower your knee towards the ground, keeping your foot and knee straight. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat it on both legs. These simple stretching exercises will help improve blood flow to your legs and make you less likely to develop shin splints.

Step 6 - Break Up Adhesions With a Massage Gun - Massage your calves and soleus muscles with your massage gun before exercising or running to help break up the adhesions in your muscles. This will increase blood flow to your muscles and make you less likely to develop shin splints.

You can also massage your calves and soleus muscles after exercising to help ease the pain. You can do this while sitting down with your legs crossed.

Step 7 - Increase Blood Flow with a Compression Sleeve - You can also wear a compression sleeve on your lower legs to help increase blood flow. This will help prevent shin splints and help ease the pain.

Step 8 - Wrap Your Ankle With an Ice Bag - If you’ve developed shin splints, you can use an ice bag to relieve inflammation in your ankles. This can help ease pain and swelling.

Step 9 - Treat Shin Splints With Acupuncture - If you want a long-lasting treatment for your shin splints, you can try acupuncture. Acupuncture treatments can reduce inflammation in your muscles, ease pain and improve blood flow.

One of the most common causes of shin splints is an imbalance of your feet, which can lead to constant rubbing of your shins. This can be easily fixed with the help of a massage gun!

By using a massage gun with the right technique, you can effectively treat shin splints. By applying constant pressure to the area, you can help alleviate any pain you're experiencing. Additionally, using a massage gun can improve blood circulation in your legs, which will also help reduce pain and swelling.

To use a massage gun for shin splints, follow these steps:

1. Place one foot on a chair or step, and place the massage gun on your shin.
2. Slowly move the massage gun up and down the length of your shin. Repeat this motion for 15-20 seconds on each leg.
3. To finish, place both feet on the ground and apply pressure to both shins with the massage gun for 10 seconds each.



Build Up Strength in Your Calves and Ankles

Your ankles and calves are vital in preventing shin splints. Make sure to do ankle and calf strengthening exercises to help prevent shin splints.

For runners, shin splints are often caused by weak ankles and calves that don't have enough strength to support the rest of the muscles in your leg. To help prevent shin splints, build up the strength in your ankles and calves with a combination of stretching, strengthening, and balancing exercises. Stretch your calves for about five minutes each day to help increase their flexibility and strength.

  • To strengthen your ankles, try ankle weight exercises. Stand on a balance board with your feet about two feet apart. Hold a 5-pound or 10-pound weight in each hand and bring your hands towards you and away from you as far as possible. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg and then do another exercise to strengthen your ankles with the same weights. Stand with your feet about two feet apart with the weights in your hands at your sides. Keeping your legs straight, lift your heels off the ground as high as possible and then slowly lower your heels back to the ground. Repeat this exercise 10 times for each leg.
  • To strengthen your calves, try standing on a stair-stepping platform with your heels on the edge of the platform and your toes on the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then try stepping down one step lower with each foot. This exercise should be performed on both legs to strengthen your calves.

Working out your calves is another great way to strengthen them and help prevent shin splints from occurring. You can do calf-raise exercises at home. Stand on a step or stair with your heels hanging off the edge. Then slowly rise up onto your toes without raising your heels from the step. Repeat several times.


Try Heat and Ice

You can use heat after exercising or apply a massage gun to help break up the adhesions in muscles. You can also use it to increase blood flow in the muscles and reduce pain. To help relieve shin splint pain and speed up the healing process, use heat on the affected area and apply an ice pack to the outside of your shin. Apply heat for 20 minutes, then ice for 15 minutes. Stretch your calves and lower leg muscles regularly and apply heat before and after exercising.

Ice, on the other hand, can help reduce inflammation and swelling. You should apply ice to your shins for 15 minutes two or three times a day. This will help ease pain, swelling, and inflammation.


Stretching Exercises Before and After Exercising

You can prevent shin splints by stretching your calves regularly. Do the following exercises before and after every workout and on a daily basis if you are at risk of shin splints.

  • Calf stretch - Stand on a step, step off or put your toes on a curb. Bend your knee so that your heel is on the ground. Put your other leg behind you. Keep your back straight and your head up. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Ankle stretch - Put your foot on a stair or step and keep the other foot on the ground. Slowly bring your heel towards your buttock. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

These exercises will help you stay mobile and flexible and prevent shin splints.


Stretch Your Calf Muscles

Massaging your calves before and after exercising will help to reduce the risk of shin splints occurring and may even help to treat pain that is occurring. The massaging of your calves will also help to improve your blood flow. Begin by standing with your legs slightly apart. Cross one leg over the other, and then push your heel towards your buttock.

You can also stand on a step to allow your leg to drop lower. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then repeat on the other leg. You can also use a tennis ball to massage your calves by placing the ball under your foot and rolling it against the muscle. You can also hold the ball under your foot and press down against it with your leg.

Treating shin splints also involves stretching your calf muscles. You can use this exercise to stretch your calves. Hold each stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, and repeat 3 to 4 times. Once your calves become flexible, you can easily treat shin splints with these exercises.

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Tingling and Achy Legs

Tingling or achy legs are one of the first signs of shin splints. You can avoid this by warming up properly before exercising and cooling down afterward. If you're already experiencing achy legs, take a break from your exercise routine. When you start exercising again, start off slow and try to ease into the intensity of your workouts.

If you spend a lot of time on your feet, you may experience tingling or achy feelings in your legs. These feelings are a result of poor circulation in your legs and can lead to shin splints. You can improve your circulation by taking breaks during work and walking around, extending your legs, and sitting with your legs crossed. You can also try these two exercises to help reduce tingling and soreness in your legs.


What Kind of Massage is the Best for Shin Splints?

A massage can help relieve pain in your shins, but you should visit a professional massage therapist for the best results. If you want to try out self-massage techniques, try these two techniques:

  • Using a wooden massage stick can help ease pain in your shins. The stick is about the same width as your shin, so it can apply pressure to that area.
  • You can also use a tennis ball to massage your lower legs. Position the ball between the bones in your shins and roll it back and forth.

Shiatsu massage is an ancient form of Asian massage that uses very little pressure and focuses on stretching and lengthening the muscles. It can help reduce pain and tension in the muscles, joints, and tendons. If you want to treat your shin splints with a massage, you should choose a massage therapist who specializes in shiatsu massage. This type of massage is gentle and slow, and it uses very little pressure.

You can do a self-massage at home by lying on a massage table or on the floor with a foam pad. Stretch your calves by crossing one leg over the other and manually stretching the muscles by pulling your toes towards your shin. The fascial tissues in your calves should feel a stretch, but the muscles should not feel any pain.


Deep Tissue Massage

If you have had shin splints for a couple of months and they have not gone away, or if they become worse with exercise, you should see a sports practitioner who can give you a deep tissue massage.

A deep tissue massage uses a lot of pressure and is helpful for chronic overuse injuries such as shin splints. You need to see a professional for this type of massage, as you can't do it yourself. It can be very painful. The massage therapist should use their elbows to apply pressure to the muscles, especially around your shins. You can also use a tennis ball to massage the muscles in your shins at home.

If you want to treat the underlying pain of shin splints, you should try deep tissue massage. This type of massage uses pressure on the soft tissues in your muscles to break up adhesions and trigger your body's natural healing process.


Is There a Fast Way to Cure Shin Splints?

If you have shin splints, you'll have to be patient when it comes to healing. Proper treatment usually takes at least two to three weeks, and you'll need to avoid certain activities and think about your exercise and stretching routines. You should also wear good quality shoes when exercising to minimize the risk of shin splints. If you have shin splints, a staying patient will help you get better faster. You will need to rest your legs, use ice, stretch your calves and do a gentle massage of your shins to help reduce the pain and swelling.

Although shin splints can heal on their own, they can become chronic if you continue with the same routine and do not take any breaks. If you want to speed up the healing process, you should take breaks from the activities that cause the pain, exercise your lower legs, and try massage therapy. A massage can help ease pain in your shins, but you should visit a professional massage therapist for the best results.

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