will massage help shoulder bursitis

Will Massage Help Shoulder Bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis is a painful and debilitating condition that affects the bursa located between the rotator cuff and the head of the humerus. This bursa is a small sack filled with fluid, and when it becomes inflamed, movement of the shoulder joint can be severely restricted and painful.

Massage therapy can help to alleviate the pain associated with shoulder bursitis by loosening the tight muscles and fascia surrounding the shoulder joint. Additionally, massage can help increase circulation to the area, which can help promote more rapid healing and reduce inflammation.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of massage therapy for shoulder bursitis and some considerations to keep in mind prior to beginning treatment.


Table of Contents


Massage for Bursitis in the Shoulder

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, which are fluid-filled sacs surrounding joints and tendons to reduce friction and cushion them from rubbing against the bone. When these sacs become inflamed, it is known as bursitis and often causes severe pain in the joint. One of the most common locations for bursitis to occur is in the shoulder, and can severely limit range of motion and cause pain when attempting to move the shoulder.

Fortunately, there are a few treatments that may be beneficial in easing the discomfort associated with bursitis in the shoulder. One of the most common treatments for bursitis in the shoulder is massage therapy.

Massage therapy works by applying pressure to the affected area, which helps to relax the muscle, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation. It also helps to reduce tension in the soft tissues, which can help to reduce pain associated with bursitis. Massage therapy should be done gradually and the pressure should be increased gradually as the pain in the shoulder decreases.

Heat therapy is also beneficial in treating bursitis in the shoulder. Heat can help to reduce pain and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the area, which can help to reduce stiffness and tension in the shoulder. Heat therapy can be done with a hot pack, an infrared lamp, or a warm bath. It is important to be careful not to overheat the area, as this can increase inflammation and worsen the pain.

Stretching can also be beneficial in treating bursitis in the shoulder. Gentle stretching of the shoulder can help to reduce stiffness and increase range of motion. However, it is important to not stretch too far, as this can aggravate the condition and cause further pain and discomfort.

Finally, it is important to take breaks from activities that may be causing inflammation and pain in the shoulder. Taking a break from activities that involve repetitive motion or require excessive use of the shoulder can help to decrease inflammation and allow the bursa to heal. It is also important to make sure that posture is good and that proper ergonomics are used when performing activities.

Bursitis in the shoulder can cause serious discomfort and limit range of motion. Fortunately, massage, heat therapy, stretching, and taking breaks from activities can all help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with bursitis and promote healing in the area. If you believe you may be suffering from bursitis in your shoulder, it is important to seek professional medical advice and treatment.

massage for bursitis in shoulder


What Kind of Massage is Used for Bursitis?

Treatment of bursitis typically involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation to reduce swelling. For more long-term pain relief, massage therapy may be beneficial. The type of massage used for bursitis will depend on the severity of the condition. A gentle form of massage, such as Swedish massage, is typically used to reduce inflammation and promote relaxation.

Swedish massage consists of five main techniques: effleurage (long, gliding strokes), petrissage (kneading and squeezing), friction (deep circular motions), tapotement (gentle tapping on the muscle), and vibration (rapid shaking of the muscles).

Deep tissue massage is a more intense type of massage, and may be beneficial in treating chronic cases of bursitis. Deep tissue massage is used to target the underlying muscles and fascia and can help reduce pain, decrease stiffness, and increase circulation to the affected area.

Regardless of the type of massage used, it is important to speak with a qualified massage therapist first. A massage therapist can evaluate the condition and recommend the best type of massage for optimal results.


Is Massage Good for Inflamed Shoulders?

Massage is a beneficial technique often used to alleviate pain and discomfort caused by inflammation around the shoulders. It is used to relax the muscles, improve circulation, and reduce stress. With proper massage techniques, it can be effective in relieving the symptoms associated with inflamed shoulders.

The most important step in relieving inflamed shoulders through massage is to ensure that the pressure applied is gentle. Too much pressure can worsen the inflammation and may even cause injury. It’s important to start with slow, gentle strokes and gradually increase the pressure over time. The massage should be mainly focused on the neck, back, and shoulder area.

When performing a massage to reduce shoulder inflammation, it's important to be aware of the tenderness of the tissue. If deep pressure is needed for relief, it's recommended that the massage is done by an experienced massage therapist.

When in doubt, always discuss the massage technique with a doctor or physical therapist to ensure that the most effective and safe techniques are used.

The use of cold or hot packs may be beneficial to reduce inflammation and help control pain.

In addition, stretching exercises and posture correction may help reduce shoulder tension and improve range of motion. In conclusion, massage can help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with shoulder inflammation. It is important to ensure that the proper techniques are used to ensure that the pressure is not too intense and that the massage session is tailored to the individual’s needs.

Additionally, the use of hot or cold packs, stretching exercises, and posture correction may help improve shoulder function.


How to Choose the Right Massage Oil for Shoulder Bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis is a painful condition that occurs when the bursae—small sacs of fluid located near the shoulder joint—become inflamed. While it’s important to seek professional medical advice for this condition, massage therapy can be an effective way to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. The right massage oil will help maximize the therapeutic benefits of the massage while keeping the body hydrated and relaxed.

When selecting a massage oil for shoulder bursitis, it’s important to consider the specific needs of the person being treated. Oils should be chosen based on their ingredients, which can include natural and synthetic components. Natural oils, such as almond oil, coconut oil, and grapeseed oil, are generally considered to be the best choice as they are often less likely to cause irritation. It’s also important to consider how massage oil will affect the skin during treatment. Look for oils that are non-comedogenic, meaning they won’t clog pores and will leave your skin feeling hydrated and smooth.

Oils with anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties can also be beneficial in reducing pain and swelling. Eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint oil are all good choices for their soothing and healing properties.

When choosing a massage oil for shoulder bursitis, it’s essential to consider how you plan to use it during the massage. If you’re using a massage tool or a device with an electronic vibration system, it’s important to select a light oil that won’t clog the machine or interfere with the vibration mechanism.

Finally, make sure you read the label on any massage oil you choose to ensure it is compatible with your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to avoid oils with strong scents or potential allergens. It’s also important to ensure the oil you select is suitable for the specific massage technique you plan to use.

While choosing the right massage oil for shoulder bursitis can be a bit of a challenge, with a bit of research, you’ll be able to find a product that works best for your needs. Consider consulting with a health care professional or massage therapist for personalized advice on which massage oil is most appropriate for your unique condition.


Helpful Tips for an Optimal Massage Experience When Treating Shoulder Bursitis

1. Always discuss your massage plan with your massage therapist before beginning any treatment. Be open and honest with your massage therapist about any previous treatments, current medications, and any new or worsening pain.
2. Ask your massage therapist to use gentle, slow motions during the massage. Avoid deep pressure and vigorous manipulation of the shoulders to reduce irritation of the bursae.
3. Suggest heat therapy at the start of the massage session to reduce any inflammation and warming oils or lotion may also be beneficial.
4. Discuss your comfort level with the massage therapist and communicate if you experience discomfort.
5. Request the use of softer massage techniques such as lymphatic drainage and Swedish massage, which can help to reduce swelling and promote healing.
6. Make sure to stay properly hydrated before and after treatment to promote healing and recovery.
7. Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your massage therapist to monitor any changes in your condition or to build on any progress you’ve made.
8. Follow any self-care recommendations provided by your massage therapists such as stretching, using props, and avoiding certain activities or movements.


How a Massage Can Relieve Shoulder Bursitis?

Massage therapy can be a safe and effective way to reduce the symptoms of shoulder bursitis. Both the bursae, located throughout the human body, and the muscles of the shoulder can be a source of discomfort when bursitis is present. During massage therapy, a professional massage therapist will focus on relaxing and stretching the muscles in the shoulder area. This can help to alleviate tension and inflammation in the bursae and muscles, ultimately relieving the pain associated with bursitis.

In addition to providing relief from discomfort, massage can also help increase circulation to the affected area. This increased circulation can help promote healing, which may ultimately result in a reduction of bursitis symptoms.

Aside from massage therapy, there are other measures that can be taken to reduce the symptoms of bursitis. These include rest, avoiding overuse of the affected area, and applying heat or cold packs to the area. Modifying activities that involve repetitive motions may also be beneficial.

Massage can be a helpful treatment for shoulder bursitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the bursa (a fluid-filled sac) in the shoulder joint. Massage therapy can help to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve range of motion by:

  1. Increasing circulation: Massage can help to improve blood flow to the affected area, which can promote healing and reduce inflammation.

  2. Breaking up adhesions: Adhesions, or areas of scar tissue, can form around the bursa in response to inflammation. Massage can help to break up these adhesions, allowing for better mobility and less pain.

  3. Reducing muscle tension: Tight muscles in the shoulder and surrounding areas can contribute to shoulder bursitis. Massage can help to release tension in these muscles, which can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion.

  4. Stimulating the release of endorphins: Massage can help to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. This can help to reduce pain and promote relaxation.

While massage therapy can be an effective way to manage the pain and discomfort associated with shoulder bursitis, it is important to speak to a doctor before beginning any treatment regimen. Massage therapy should only be undertaken with the consent of the treating physician, as the sensitivity of the shoulder area may require an individualized approach to therapy.

How to Do a Massage for Shoulder Pain?

If you are experiencing shoulder pain, there are some massage techniques you can try at home to help relieve tension and promote healing. Here are some steps to follow:
  1. Warm-up the muscles: Before beginning the massage, warm up the muscles surrounding the shoulder by applying a warm towel or heating pad for 10-15 minutes.

  2. Apply gentle pressure: Begin by applying gentle pressure to the affected shoulder using your fingertips or the palm of your hand. Start with a light touch and gradually increase pressure as tolerated.

  3. Use circular motions: Using circular motions, work your way around the shoulder joint, focusing on areas of tension and pain. Avoid putting pressure directly on the bursa or any inflamed areas.

  4. Apply pressure to trigger points: If you feel any knots or trigger points, apply gentle pressure with your fingertips for 10-15 seconds, then release.

  5. Use range of motion exercises: Incorporate range of motion exercises, such as shoulder circles or arm swings, to help loosen up the shoulder joint and improve mobility.

  6. Finish with relaxation techniques: Finish the massage by using long, gentle strokes to help relax the muscles and promote relaxation.

Remember to listen to your body and adjust the pressure and technique as needed. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the massage and consult with a healthcare professional. Additionally, if your shoulder pain persists or worsens, it's important to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the pain.


The Benefits of Massage for Shoulder Bursitis

Massage therapy can provide several benefits for individuals with shoulder bursitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the bursa (a fluid-filled sac) in the shoulder joint. Here are some of the potential benefits of massage for shoulder bursitis:

  1. Pain relief: Massage can help to relieve pain associated with shoulder bursitis by increasing blood flow, reducing muscle tension, and stimulating the release of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

  2. Increased range of motion: Tightness in the muscles and tissues surrounding the shoulder joint can limit range of motion and contribute to shoulder bursitis. Massage can help to release tension in these areas, allowing for better mobility and range of motion.

  3. Reduced inflammation: Massage can help to reduce inflammation in the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues by improving circulation and stimulating the lymphatic system, which can help to remove waste products and excess fluid.

  4. Improved sleep: Pain and discomfort associated with shoulder bursitis can interfere with sleep. Massage can help to promote relaxation and reduce pain, which can improve sleep quality.

  5. Reduced stress and anxiety: Shoulder bursitis can be a source of stress and anxiety for some individuals. Massage can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can improve overall well-being.

It's important to note that massage should not be the only treatment for shoulder bursitis. Rest, ice, and physical therapy may also be necessary to reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and prevent further injury. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before using massage therapy for any medical condition.


How to Avoid Exacerbation of Shoulder Bursitis with Massage?

Massage can be an effective treatment for shoulder bursitis, but it is important to understand the proper techniques in order to avoid exacerbating the condition. When massaging a person with shoulder bursitis, it is important to first use light, slow strokes. These strokes should begin near the neck and move down the shoulder toward the armpit. The pressure should be very light and should not cause discomfort or pain. Once the light strokes have been applied, deeper pressure can be applied to the affected area. For this, knuckles, elbows, and even the knuckles of the free hand can be used. This should be done gently, as too much pressure could further irritate the inflamed bursa.

When massaging in the area of the bursa, it can be helpful to use gentle rocking motions. This can help to increase circulation, reduce swelling, and relax the affected muscles.

Another important factor to consider is avoiding direct contact with the bursa itself. This can cause more inflammation and discomfort. Instead, it is best to massage the muscles surrounding the affected area. This can help reduce tension and increase the range of motion.

While massage can be a helpful treatment for shoulder bursitis, it's important to take some precautions to avoid exacerbating the condition. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid deep tissue massage: Deep tissue massage can be too intense for individuals with shoulder bursitis and can exacerbate pain and inflammation. Opt for a gentler massage technique, such as Swedish massage or myofascial release.

  2. Communicate with your massage therapist: Be sure to let your massage therapist know about your shoulder bursitis and any areas of pain or discomfort. Your therapist can adjust their technique and pressure accordingly to avoid exacerbating the condition.

  3. Use heat or ice before and after massage: Applying heat or ice to the affected shoulder before and after massage can help to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing.

  4. Rest the shoulder after massage: Avoid using the affected shoulder for heavy lifting or other strenuous activities after massage. Resting the shoulder can help to prevent further injury and allow the tissues to heal.

  5. Follow a comprehensive treatment plan: Massage should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for shoulder bursitis that may also include rest, ice, physical therapy, and medication as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

By following these tips, you can help to avoid exacerbating shoulder bursitis with massage and promote healing and pain relief.

Finally, it is important to remember to always use a gentle, warming oil or cream when giving a massage. This can help to reduce friction and further reduce swelling and discomfort.

should you massage shoulder bursitis


How to Choose the Right Massage Technique for Shoulder Bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis is a common condition caused by inflammation or irritation of the bursa, or sacs of fluid, in the shoulder joint area. Bursitis can cause pain and difficulty in performing everyday activities. Massage therapy can be an effective way to relieve pain and improve mobility in the shoulder joint, but it is important to choose the right massage technique for the best results.

The first step in selecting the most effective massage technique for shoulder bursitis is to understand the symptoms. Pain may be sharp and localized around the shoulder joint, or it may be generalized and achy throughout the affected area. The affected area may also feel stiff and difficult to move. Other symptoms may include swelling, warmth, and redness.

Once you have identified the symptoms, you can determine which massage techniques are best suited to your condition.

When choosing a massage technique for shoulder bursitis, it's important to consider the severity of the condition and any underlying causes of the inflammation. Here are some massage techniques that may be beneficial for individuals with shoulder bursitis:

  1. Swedish massage: This gentle, relaxing massage technique can help to increase circulation and promote relaxation. It can be a good option for individuals with mild shoulder bursitis or as a maintenance technique after the condition has improved.

  2. Myofascial release: This technique involves applying gentle pressure to the fascia, or connective tissue, surrounding the muscles in the shoulder. It can help to release tension and improve range of motion.

  3. Trigger point therapy: This technique involves applying pressure to specific points in the muscles that are causing pain and tension. It can be helpful for individuals with more severe shoulder bursitis or those with trigger points contributing to the condition.

  4. Lymphatic drainage massage: This technique can help to reduce inflammation by stimulating the lymphatic system to remove excess fluid and waste products from the affected area.

It's important to consult with a licensed massage therapist or healthcare professional to determine the best massage technique for your individual needs and condition. They can assess your symptoms and provide personalized recommendations for massage therapy and other treatments that may be beneficial.

Working with a professional massage therapist can help you choose the best approach for your specific needs. Your therapist can assess your condition and make recommendations based on your individual case.

Finally, following your massage treatment, it is important to take precautions to prevent a recurrence of shoulder bursitis. This includes avoiding activities that strain the shoulder, such as heavy lifting, and engaging in shoulder exercises to help keep the shoulder joint mobile.

By understanding the symptoms of shoulder bursitis and selecting the right massage technique for your needs, you can reduce your pain and improve your mobility. Consulting a massage therapist can help you find the best approach for your condition and provide the relief you need.


The Pros and Cons of Massage for Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder bursitis is a condition that causes pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility in the shoulder joint due to inflamed bursae—the fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions between bones and soft tissues. Massage therapy is one of the most commonly recommended treatments for shoulder bursitis, and it has its own unique benefits and drawbacks.

Pros of Massage for Shoulder Bursitis

The primary benefit of massage for shoulder bursitis is that it can reduce pain and physical discomfort. Massage helps to increase circulation in the affected area, which helps to reduce localized inflammation and reduce the sensation of pain. Massage can also help to reduce muscle tension and stiffness in the surrounding muscles, which can help improve mobility and flexibility. In addition, massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Massage may even help to improve your mood and outlook, which can improve the healing process.

Cons of Massage for Shoulder Bursitis

With any type of treatment, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. One potential drawback of massage for shoulder bursitis is that it can cause further inflammation in already irritated areas. To reduce this risk, it’s important to find a massage therapist who has experience in treating shoulder bursitis and is capable of providing gentle, appropriate massage techniques. Another potential issue with massage for shoulder bursitis is that it may not provide immediate relief from symptoms. While improvements in pain and mobility may be experienced after a single session, it may take a series of regular massage sessions to achieve noticeable results.


What to Do Before and After Your Massage for Shoulder Bursitis?

1. Ensure that the massage therapist is familiar with treating bursitis. Ask for documentation of qualifications and experience.
2. Inform your massage therapist about your medical history and any other health conditions that you have.
3. Ask your doctor for any specific instructions before the massage.
4. Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in and does not restrict your range of motion.
5. Take ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medication approximately 30 minutes before the massage. After Your Massage for Shoulder Bursitis
6. Apply an ice pack to the area for 20 minutes several times a day for the next few days.
7. Take ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medication to reduce soreness and inflammation.
8. Avoid overexerting the shoulder or doing any activities that may worsen your pain and discomfort.
9. Drink plenty of water or other fluids to help flush out toxins released during the massage.
10. Make sure to follow up with your doctor to assess your progress and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.


What to Expect During a Massage for Shoulder Bursitis?

During a massage for shoulder bursitis, the massage therapist will likely begin with a consultation to discuss your symptoms and medical history. They may ask about the duration and severity of your symptoms, any previous treatments you've tried, and any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the shoulder bursitis.

Once the therapist has assessed your needs, they will guide you to a massage table and ask you to lie down on your back or side, depending on the location of your shoulder bursitis. You will likely be asked to undress to your level of comfort and cover yourself with a sheet or blanket.

The massage therapist will begin the massage using a gentle, relaxing technique, such as Swedish massage, to warm up the muscles and tissues surrounding the affected shoulder. They may also use myofascial release, trigger point therapy, or lymphatic drainage massage techniques to address specific areas of tension and pain.

Throughout the massage, the therapist will check in with you to ensure that the pressure and technique are comfortable and effective. You can communicate with the therapist about any areas of pain or discomfort and adjust the pressure or technique as needed.

After the massage, the therapist may recommend stretching or other exercises to help maintain the benefits of the massage and promote healing. They may also recommend other treatments, such as rest, ice, physical therapy, or medication, as needed to address the underlying causes of the shoulder bursitis.


Best Shoulder Bursitis Massage Gun

When suffering from shoulder bursitis, the right massage gun is essential to help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with the condition. A massage gun specifically designed to target shoulder bursitis can facilitate the healing process by breaking down scar tissue, improving blood circulation, reducing stiffness, increasing range of motion, as well as improving overall range of movement. 

There are many massage guns on the market that can help alleviate the symptoms of shoulder bursitis. When selecting a massage gun, it's important to look for a few key features:

  1. Variable speed and intensity settings: You'll want a massage gun that offers a range of speeds and intensities so that you can adjust the massage to your comfort level.

  2. Interchangeable attachments: Different attachments can be useful for targeting specific areas of the shoulder or for varying the pressure and intensity of the massage.

  3. Lightweight and ergonomic design: A massage gun that is lightweight and easy to handle will be more comfortable to use for extended periods of time.

  4. Quiet operation: Some massage guns can be quite loud, which can be distracting and unpleasant during a massage.

Regardless of which massage gun you choose, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and pay attention to the intensity of the massage to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness.



In conclusion, massage appears to be an effective form of treatment for shoulder bursitis, as it helps to reduce pain, improve mobility, and can encourage healing. Additionally, it is a safe and natural form of treatment that can be done at home or with a healthcare professional. However, as with any form of treatment, it is important to speak with your doctor before beginning any massage therapy program.

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