Health and Wellness Blog for Being the Best You

Four Reasons to Put Hemp Oil on Your Face
You want to look and feel your best, but you are constantly bombarded with information about the newest treatments or most expensive technology. Do you really need a vampire facial (yes it...
Four Reasons to Put Hemp Oil on Your Face
You want to look and feel your best, but you are constantly bombarded with information about the newest treatments or most expensive technology. Do you really need a vampire facial (yes it...

The Best Percussion Massagers for Your Sore Mus...
Sore muscles? Anytime you put your muscles through some pressure, they let you feel their pain! Professional athlete, bus driver, shop assistant. Whoever you are or whatever your day is...
The Best Percussion Massagers for Your Sore Mus...
Sore muscles? Anytime you put your muscles through some pressure, they let you feel their pain! Professional athlete, bus driver, shop assistant. Whoever you are or whatever your day is...

What are the Advantages of Using a Jigsaw Massa...
The latest development in the world of personal massage is a new type of massage that is designed to deliver a series of rapid blows that penetrate deep into the...
What are the Advantages of Using a Jigsaw Massa...
The latest development in the world of personal massage is a new type of massage that is designed to deliver a series of rapid blows that penetrate deep into the...

Which Type of Percussion Massager is Right for ...
You may have noticed recently while watching sports that athletic trainers carry around a device that looks similar to a jigsaw during games, using it on players while they are...
Which Type of Percussion Massager is Right for ...
You may have noticed recently while watching sports that athletic trainers carry around a device that looks similar to a jigsaw during games, using it on players while they are...

What is Percussive Massage and Why Do I Need it?
Percussive massage is a breakthrough treatment for soft tissue pain. Percussive massage accelerates the growth and repair of tissues by providing concentrated, rapid, short-duration pulses deep into the tissues of...
What is Percussive Massage and Why Do I Need it?
Percussive massage is a breakthrough treatment for soft tissue pain. Percussive massage accelerates the growth and repair of tissues by providing concentrated, rapid, short-duration pulses deep into the tissues of...

12 Major Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
It is so important to have an Alkaline rich diet including healthy Alkaline water! To see more health benefits and learn more, follow us on Facebook and on Instagram...
12 Major Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
It is so important to have an Alkaline rich diet including healthy Alkaline water! To see more health benefits and learn more, follow us on Facebook and on Instagram...